Nov 2023 - The Christmas Tree Challenge

Can you manufacture a Christmas Tree from plastic cups?

“No country is ever successful in the long term without a really strong and vibrant manufacturing base.”

-Alan Mulally, CEO Ford Motor Company 2006-2014

Good Morning,

Welcome to the November, 2023 manufacturing activity by MAKE Publishing! We are honored to have you and your family on board. Enjoy the activity below!

Read until the end to access an incredible Christmas sale.

Activity Description

  • Age: 4-7 Years

  • Ask: Can you manufacturer a Christmas Tree from plastic cups?

  • Materials: Please click on the links to buy materials.

  • Note to Parents: It is important to let children problem solve and struggle a bit when creating. Keep in mind that the process of the activity is just as important as the product! Ask questions but don’t offer answers. If he or she gets stuck, go back to things they know (how to stack 2 cups together, what a tree looks like, etc.) to get them restarted. You can help with execution, but resist the urge to take over!

Looking for inspiration? Please find examples below!

Did your child like learning about manufacturing? Please share your results on social media and share this email with a friend!

Looking for a Christmas present for the future manufacturers in your life? 10 books for $100 - Use Promo Code MAKE10

Read | Build | Experience

Joe & Amanda